Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rifle used by 5-yr.old Boy in Death of Sister

2 yr old "Dead" in the name of 2nd amendment right

A 5-year-old Kentucky boy was using a rifle made for children by Keystone Sporting Arms when police say shot and killed his 2 year old sister. The boy commonly used the .22-caliber "Crickett" kids rifle which he received as a gift last year, for hunting with his father.

Police say they were called to the family's home in Burkesville, Ky. after the Keystone Sporting Arms rifle went off and hit 2-year-old Caroline Sparks in the chest around 1 p.m. Tuesday, She later died at Cumberland County Hospital. no charges were yet filed, but a grand jury could have the final say. In Kentucky there are laws dealing with handguns and kids, but not for the Keystone Sporting Arms rifle used in this incident.

"Crickett" rifles are made by, Keystone Sporting Arms, are marketed as "My First Rifle" on the Pennsylvania manufacturer's website. Trooper Billy Gregory, "the gun used in the incident was kept in a corner of the house and the family did not realize that a shell had been left in it".

Investigation into the shooting is ongoing and could take weeks or even months, police say. If the reputable Keystone Sporting Arms existed before selling Guns to our children they can no longer be found on the Internet. Just like the National Rifle association went in silence after the Sandy Hook shooting Keystone Sporting Arms have removed themselves from the web and are no longer available for comment. The people who defend selling Guns and marketing kids rifle  to children criminals and may even make those weapons available to those who may harm our Nation cannot defend those 2nd amendment rights when the most vulnerable among us is armed with one of their weapons.

Our children are now expendable in the name of our 2nd amendment right, weather they are in a school in Sandy Hook, a movie Theater or a family home in Burkesville Kentucky while a mother left the area where the kids were playing to the Porch.

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