Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cardinal Dolan - An Hypocrite?

Cardinal Dolan New York Diocese 
Not so long ago The Catholic Church was exposed for covering up the most widespread Sexual abuse Scandal committed by its Priest. Little Boys ( alter Boys ) and other male Parishioners were sodomized on church Property, outside Church Property by its Priest. The loud mouth Cardinal Dolan who is now all over the Radio Television and teachings at Mass the Evil on Government protecting all people in The United States by ensuring that, "No Citizen is denied medical Coverage regardless of Church affiliation or where or for whom you work" Cardinal Dolan is become a Leader. Where was Cardinal Dolan during the Priest Sex Scandal? Was he a part of covering up for the abusive Priests in his Parish? How much did Cardinal Dolan know about the abuses or acts of sodomy of Boys before by his priests.

Before Cardinal Dolan continue to "hold the Government accountable for acting in the best interest of all its citizens" as is its duty, this Leader of the New York Diocese Cardinal Dolan should start holding his Flock accountable protecting little boys and male members of his flock from his Priests may Sodomize them.

Since the Priest sex Scandal The Catholic Church lost thousands of Parishioners and Cardinal Dolan know this, Churches like St Ann es in Bentwood New York is almost empty on a Sunday. The Hispanic community walked away from the Catholic church in Bentwood because they no longer trust the Catholic Church to Protect its sons.

The Catholic Church and Cardinal Dolan must realize, "The Catholic Church is part of the American experience and not America a part of the Catholic Church". This is a Nation that embraces all people, Religions, Beliefs and those that do not even believe. It is the role of the Catholic Church to teach its flock their doctrines regardless of the Laws of this Country in the boundaries of religion. It is also the duty Government to enact Laws for all people of this nation Regardless of religious teachings.

When Cardinal Dolan and the Catholic Church convinces is Parishioners that Birth control methods are IMMORAL then they would have reached their objective a conversation would no longer be necessary. The truth is that, "Catholic Parishioners while they continue to respect their Church no longer find life's reality fitting into some teaching of the Church", People are evolving and the Church is way behind the people they serve.

During the Priest Sodomy Scandal the Catholic Church and Cardinal Dolan had to be embarrassed into financially settling with their victims. The Church paid in the region of $2 Billion dollars to get that scandal behind them, the Catholic Church has not recovered from that experience. If Cardinal Dolan think taking on the government on Birth Control is a way revive the Church he is so wrong. 98% of Catholic Women already us contraceptive for birth Control or other medical reasons. 

"If Cardinal Dolan and his Catholic Church continue its fight with Government on basic women's health care the Church will further its isolation from the Community started during the Priest Sodomy Scandal".

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