Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are AMERICAN lives expendable to GUN RIGHT?

Sandy Hook Massacre

Lives Expendable to protect Gun Rights

The lives of 6 adult  were snuffed out at the end of a 20 year old shooter, reports are the guns used were owned by the shooters mother, probably a lifetime member of the NRA the organisation representing that having guns no matter how many bullets they carry should be in the hands of every citizen it is our right. 

The other five adult is yet to be determined what their position on the right to bear harm stand. Mental illness is again used as an excuse for these killings, exactly where the NRA want this conversation to take place. Did I also mention 20 Babies were also killed even then only 53% of Americans support legislation to control automatic weapons while 87% support the right to bear arms!

“In his first term,” Mr. Romney said, “ we've seen the president try to browbeat the Supreme Court. In a second term, he would remake it. Our freedoms would be in the hands of an Obama court, not just for four years, but for the next 40. That must not happen.”

Mr. Romney, who was introduced by his wife, Ann, received a standing ovation after his speech, though in the cavernous downtown dome where audience members filled only the floor, not the stands, the sound was subdued.

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