Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why did Ronald Reagan Kill, "Law of the Sea Treaty".

Jamaica Conference Center

Jamaica Still bear the burden of Maintaining the site of the Law of the Sea Headquarters!

Now, "Jamaica Conference Center"

Located on the picturesque Kingston Waterfront, the Jamaica Conference Center was built in 1982 as the venue for the preparatory meetings of the International Seabed Authority, an arm of the United Nations. The Center was built to United Nations specifications and its facilities and services rival the best.The Center comprises five Conference Rooms, three Caucus Rooms, Delegates Lounges, a Restaurant, a Private Dining and Reception Area.  

Law of the Sea Treaty once again rears its ugly head in U.S. Senate

By Steven Groves The Heritage Foundation

It's bad enough when American tax dollars are blown on government-created debacles such as Solyndra and "Operation Fast and Furious." But at least in those instances the expenditures carried a bare modicum of democratic legitimacy.
What if, on the other hand, the U.S. Treasury was raided for billions of dollars, which were then redistributed to the rest of the world by an international bureaucracy headquartered in Kingston, Jamaica?

Kingston Jamaica Law of the Sea HQ

That's what will surely happen if the U.S. Senate gives its advice and consent to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a deeply flawed treaty that was rejected by President Ronald Reagan in 1982. (The treaty was revived by President Bill Clinton, who sent it to the Senate in 1994. It has languished there ever since.) The Barack Obama administration is pushing for United States Senate action on the treaty, and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is currently scheduling a series of hearings to extol the purported benefits of LOST, the first of which is set for May 23.
Of course, the vampire must feed, and its sustenance is American dollars, sucked out of the U.S. Treasury by a provision of LOST known as Article 82. If the U.S. joins LOST, it will be required by Article 82 to forfeit royalties generated from oil and gas development on the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles — an area known as the "extended continental shelf" (ECS).
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