Thursday, May 3, 2012

Not an empty Threat, "a message sent"!

Target illegally threatened on a number of occasions to close its store in Valley Stream, L.I., if workers successfully organized a union, according to the National Labor Relations Board.
The labor board also decided the retailer unlawfully created the impression that workers' union activities were under surveillance and that supervisors told workers they could not solicit on behalf of the union in non-working areas, said Alvin Blyer, the regional director of the labor board.
The board will now issue complaints covering those three charges and several less serious ones that allege various official company policies violate federal labor laws. Both Target and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, which filed the charges, were informed of the decisions Thursday, Mr. Blyer said.

Although the Union failed to organize the Target Valley Stream store the company through their actions in closing the Target Valley Stream Store sent a loud and clear message to its workers. Target corporation claim that it close the Valley stream store in order to effect construction and upgrade the Building to accommodate its P Fresh department. This would the the first of over 1400 Stores that Target will close in order to do this Construction and this is the first of over 1400 Target Stores that took action to organize this is not so Quite coincidental.
Prior to closing the Valley Stream Target Store Target Corporation fired all its Team members who supported the Union action.

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