Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Americas Diminishing Influence

Chinese and Jamaica Government Financing.
The new Rio Grange Bridge being Built in Port Antonio, Portland , Jamaica will be two lanes State of the art with side walks morphed into Board walks. Visitors Local residents will be able to comfortably View Bamboo Rafts with Tourists as they complete their Trip down the Rio Grande River into the sunset as they enter the Caribbean Sea and arrive at Rafters Rest.

 This Bridge replaces the one 108 year old one lane Bridge Called the St. Margaret s Bay Bridge, a major infrastructure improvement to this area of Jamaica. Creating the opportunity for Local and Foreign  investment. Existing adjoining Lands will be made available for new Shops and Stores to be constructed including new Gift Shops, Restaurants other indoor and outdoor entertainment and a rest stop. These businesses and the jobs that come with them would not have been earlier possible, giving new Economic energy to this community.

The Major difference, this Bridge is being Financed and Constructed by the Chinese Government and the government of Jamaica. Am sure the financing through Chinese Banks and its Government is as welcomed as was the many Projects over many years Financed by United States Aid Programs and the United States Development Programs. What this does points out though, is the growing influence of of the Chinese Government in the Western Hemisphere and the diminishing role of the United States and its influence in developing Countries.

This is not the only Project in Jamaica that is now being financed by the Chinese Government, others include the expansion of the Highway to the Norman Manley Airport, and the construction of arterial roads infrastructure adjoining communities and creating commerce. The financing provided by the Chinese Government comes at more favorable terms than those traditionally provided by the United States through their Aid and Loan Programs, with Chinese investors given the same Tax incentives given to American investors in Jamaica.

Rio Grande Bridge, Port Antonio, Portland

Jamaica like most developing Countries remains grateful to the United States for years of support through their Aid programs but, wonders how the Politicians in Washington is taking their eyes off the Ball and ignoring the spread of the Chinese Power. One of the Major concerns is that Law Makers who does not favor Foreign Aid Programs does not have a clue to what these Programs do in developing countries. Some members of Congress before they become Law Makers have never been to Washington DC. or traveled to a Foreign Country and see how America influence the world through Aid Programs.

In the future, individuals who run for congressional Office should be given a  Litmus Test that include, owning a Passport for at least five years, and have traveled to at least five foreign Countries and have a clear world view.Congress men should represent their districts needs but also know how the world works, or America's influence will continue to diminish.
Rio grande Bridge when complete

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