Sunday, November 13, 2011

Through the tunnel of Love

Tunnel of Love
Rafting on the Rio Grande

Tunnel of Love, "Passing  through is the memory of a lifetime".

Rafting in Jamaica like so much else, is largely chill. You are taken on a trip of a lifetime serenely downstream on the same kind of 30-foot-long, bamboo-lashed rafts that Farmers once used for transporting their sugarcane and bananas to market. This ride enchanting gives you a chance to loose your mind in the vegetation that surrounds and wonders that surrounds you.

The Beautiful Tropical Bamboo Palms bunched as they Grow to 40 ft- 60 ft and clustered on the side of the mountain.The Sky that always seem to be blue with the yellow sun piercing at your body baking it to a golden tan. With birdlike whisper the water rippling over the uneven smothered riverbed rocks. The experience does not lend itself to verbal conversation but an  imagination a selfish ride through another of natures true experience.
Tropical Bamboo 

Beautiful rocks carved by the ferocious river into monuments that changes over time. There's the," lovers rock", once a huge solid Rock over time Hew through by the ferocity of the Rio Grande River now called the Tunnel of Love the story told by your Raft Captain who remain silent throughout trip only to answer questions or point out wonders you may may have missed, "Passing  through this Tunnel is the memory of a lifetime".  The Rio Grande River Experience is like none other of the four River rafting trips you can take in Jamaica.
This Rio Grande River ride should not end without a break at the midpoint to enjoy a swim in this Natural tropical water pouring from the Blue mountains of Jamaica twirling its way through the John Crow Mountains into the Rio Grande Valley and finally into this awesome lifetime experience. What feels like cold water as you enter will embrace and clench your body into a romantic fervor, relaxing and refreshing. After a 30 minute swim and frolic, your body would have absorbed natural minerals that makes the skin like velvet.
The final leg of this trip 2 miles to Rafters Rest in St. Margaret's Bay, Portland, a slow ride into the Sunset, (best time to start Rafting 2:00 pm with stop and 4:00 pm without stop) as your trip ends so does the day as the amazing sun sink into the western skies and into the Caribbean sea.

The Rio Grande Rafting experience is like none other of the four rafting opportunities in Jamaica. Rio Grande rafting begins 8 miles out of Port Antonio and can be booked through River Raft Ltd.Tel: 876 952 0889, the Jamaica Tourist board and Rafters rest in St. Margaret's Bay.
"Passing  through is the memory of a lifetime".

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